July Monthly Progress Report

We hope you're having an amazing summer so far ☀️

We're moving full steam ahead here at Tim's Club, and we have some exciting updates from July to share with you!

🤓 Meeting with experts  

At Tim's Club, we are big believers in the power of bringing experts onboard. Building a non-profit organization is brand-new to our team, which is why we're relying on some talented experts to guide us. 

Over the month of July, we had some wonderful meetings which gave our team so much clarity. 

First, I met with one of our board members, Keriann, to work on our budget. Keriann is a Project Management and IT specialist who works in the healthcare sector in Toronto, and she also runs a restaurant. That means she has the perfect combination of knowledge and experience to help us plan our budget for both the cafe and Tim's Club overall. 

Next, I met with Natalie and my Mom, who are helping us clarify exactly what our daily programming will look like. We're so excited to see this area of Tim's Club come together. 


Then, I had an amazing meeting with Brittany, the hospitality consultant who is going to help us with our cafe. She's the founder of a gorgeous cafe called Mahalo (it's my favourite spot in Panama City). Her expertise is going to be so valuable for us.


Finally, I'm about to start working with Christina of Splendid Consulting  on a weekly basis. She is so in-the-know about the non-profit sector and has already helped us generate so many ideas and action items for us. I can't wait to get started with her. 


We’re honoured that we have such amazing people supporting us as we bring Tim's Club to life, and we know they are going to supercharge our progress. 


☕️ Designing the cafe 

A big priority for July was to finalize our plans for the cafe. This will be the first part of Tim's Club that we officially open to the public, so we want to make sure we're ready to hit the ground running as soon as we have access to the land. The cafe will help us raise awareness, support our fundraising efforts and ensure we have a revenue stream on the ground from day 1.

I went back to visit the land we're hoping to purchase with a contractor. I had already fallen in love with the land (it's 5000m2 and covered with beautiful, old trees) but wanted an expert to inspect the property and make sure that we could convert the building that is already there into our cafe. Luckily, we can! 

We'll need to do some minor renovations, but having an existing structure will speed things up significantly. Working with Brittany, we've come up with a plan for the layout of the cafe, the hours we’ll be open, the staff required and the menu. 

If you have any ideas you think we should try to incorporate at the cafe, we'd absolutely love to hear from you! Just hit reply and let us know. 

Our next workshop

Our next Tim’s Club workshop was held Monday, August 7th and we covered how to Overcome your limiting beliefs to achieve your next big goal ✨

This time, our workshop was hosted by my good friends and incredibly inspiring entrepreneurs, Kaila & Nicole from My Aligned Purpose, a coaching and learning company for women entrepreneurs. 


Here's what they cover in the workshop:

 ✨ How to identify what's holding you back from achieving your big goal

✨ How to manifest confidence, break your habits and finally move to the next level

✨ How to shift into the vibration of someone who is making big moves


🎥 Click here to find out all the details and to purchase the replay

If you have any questions, ideas, advice, or encouragement as we continue bringing Tim's Club to life - we’d love to hear from you any time!


Thank you for being part of this community, and we hope you have a wonderful week ahead! 



Louise & team

Louise Henry

I’m the founder of an online education company. Now, I’m building the non-profit, Tim’s Club - inspired by my younger brother Tim.


August Monthly Progress Report


June Monthly Progress Report